Millermatic® 255 MIG/Pulsed Mig Welder
Easy to use machine to increase efficiency and productivity for the light manufacturing and fabrication users. Color screen featuring Auto-Set™ Elite and Pulsed MIG. This all-in-one welder connects to 208 or 240 volt input power. Welds up to 1/2” aluminum, stainless and mild steel.
Light Industrial Applications
General fabricators * Contract welding services * Plant maintenance shops
MIG (GMAW) Pulsed MIG (GMAW-P) Flux-cored (FCAW)
MIG, pulsed MIG, push-pull and spool gun capabilities
Weld Thickness
120 V: 24 ga.–3/16 in. steel * 18 ga.–1/8 in. aluminum
240 V: 24 ga.–3/8 in. steel * 18 ga.–3/8 in. aluminum
Input Power
Auto-Line™ 208–240 V, single-phase
Rated Output
230 A at 25.5 V, 60% duty cycle
Amperage Range 20–350 A
Net Weight Machine only: 84 lb. (38 kg) * Machine with running gear: 148 lb. (67 kg)
Millermatic® 255 Packages
907734 Machine only Comes Complete With:
951766 Machine with running gear package Comes Complete With: